Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Wiping at the exit to Strat

Well, in the interest of fun, after a great run to (and then thru) the Baron in Strat we had repops on our way out. Rather than work our way thru the room, in true HoS fashion we elected to do a gnomish sacrifice (thats where we throw our gnome tank to the wolves while we run like hell). It was ALMOST successful and the following screenshot represents how close our tactic came to success.

It really was to funny for the picture to fully cover it. A heartfelt apology for our priest on this run, Chuani, who got caught up in our foolishness.... twice! I hope she laughed as hard we did. Stay tuned, more to come, I'm sure!

Morraine finally made 40!

Well just a line to let everyone know that our much needed, and highly anticipated priest has finally made level 40! Shown here sporting her new pony, she's finally high speed and ready for 60!

And one last Hallow's Eve costume photo. This is Morraine proving once and for all what a little devil she can be.....