Thursday, March 30, 2006

Gehennes, you've been PUNKED!

So many snakey dudes, so little time... Wolfy, Laila, Balt, Allyn, Scorpio, and Blog hooked up with thier buddies in the HGA for alittle Molten Core. After witnessing the HGA's first ever felling of Magmadar on Sunday, we returned to the Core on Monday for this snake and his two gaurds. We flat pwned this dude! Blog even landed the kill shot! I'm telling ya, good fight, good loot, and more progress for the HGA! Our strongest showing yet!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Professions - Engineering

Whenever anyone asks me why I decided to become an engineer, I just point out that any profession that allows you to create a chicken that is bigger than you, is a truly sarcastic profession.

Laila's Crazy UI

I know everyone likes to have their own UI. For me, I like to have access to lots of different types of information that I can dissect (either on th efly or later). I also have lots of spells, talents, trinkets, potions, etc. that I use and like to keep handy. But, despite wanting to have all of these things available, I also like to have the center of my screen relatively clear, so that I have a good view of what's going on.

My solution has been a combination of (1) lots of buttons/mods, (2) high screen resolution, (3) UI scale reducation, (4) eliminating unnecessary graphic elements (such as borders around character frames) and (5) pushing everything to the side. This UI is a work-in-progress (for instance, that cluster of buttons on the right side of the screen below the min-map will disappear as soon as I can figure out how to get Discord to bring them back with a keystroke), but it gives you an idea of what an information-heavy UI looks like.

This is my UI in a 40-man raid. Not many changes, but you can see what information I display from CTRA on the left-hand side and how I really compact everything.

Now compare these to 2 screenshots of Timmer's UI (non-raid and raid versions). Notice how he has a lot less information on the screen (and a LOT fewer buttons), but chooses to display everything much larger and allows it to intrude much further into the middle of the screen.

Anyway, that is one of the great things about WoW - our ability to set up our screens in whatever manner is best for us. These probably represent 2 extremes on a couple of different sliding scales, and neither may work for you, but maybe they will give you some ideas about how to make your own UI more useable for you.

By the way, if you have any questions about any of the mods or information displays that you see on my UI, just drop me a message and I can tell you what they are, what they do, and where you can get them.