Thursday, December 23, 2004

The Tabards Are In!!!

[Note added by Laila on 8/5/2005 - This makes some interesting historical reading, in light of the redesign of the tabard 2 days ago]

After a lot of scrimping and saving, and some serious generosity on the part of the guild members, HoS officially received its tabard on Tuesday night! The design, from Chez Laila, is meant to fit in with the HoS style, while also reflecting some history. The following is taken from a recent interview conducted with Laila by WoW Daily:

"For color," Laila stated during a recent interview with WoW Daily, "I really wanted something traditional. Nothing says tradition like maroon velvet! For the fringe ... I'm sorry, border ... we wanted to go really far in the direction of royal, because we all know HoS's are royal pains in the ... [coughs] ... sorry. Well, royal. And royal means gold, baby, nothing but gold."

While this traditional tabard design might seem to many be to be anything but HoS-like, Laila explained where the S in HoS really starts to kick in. "You see, once we had the traditional design, it was time to sarcasm that bad boy up! And thus the monkey, which really plays a dual role! First of all, it serves as a tip-of-the-hat to the guild's history. Although "Buff My Monkey" no longer officially roams the lands of Azeroth, it still roams the ventricles in the heart of every HoS member. We had to make sure the Monkey lived on. By the way, would you like to touch my monkey?"

At this point, the interview took a decidedly strange turn, and so the interview pressed Laila about the second role of the monkey. "Well, you see, monkeys are just plain funny! I mean look at this thing (runs her hand over her monkey ... does it again ... then third time ... she really seems to be enjoying herself)! How can you look at this ape and not laugh? But even more than that, it's the juxtaposition of the monkey against the traditional tabard backdrop that really brings the irony and sarcasm into play. To drive this point home, the monkey is also gold to match the fringe ... I mean border. In fact, I craft every monkey myself from solid gold bars that I smelt right here in the Great Forge of Iron Forge." At this point, Laila started rubbing her monkey again, and the WoW Daily reporter ended the interview.

Guild tabards can be purchased at any tabard vendor. Just speak to a guard in a major city, ask for the guild master, and the tabard vendor will be near the guild master. Tabards normally cost 1g, but some guildies have reported that faction discounts are available in home cities, making the price only 90s. A number of HoS have already purchased their tabards.

The first official HoS tabard event was held on Wednesday night. Tabard wearing HoS participated in naked tabard swimming, naked tabard dancing, naked tabard train races and a naked tabard game of Jump the Gnome, in which Baltazzar narrowly defeated Wolfbrother. More tabard events to follow.

I will post tabard pictures, as soon as I can get this stupid photo program working. Until then, look for them on fellow HoS or at a tabard vendor near you!

-- E1/Laila

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