Monday, January 09, 2006


Well, Wolfy finally made it to the Molten Core. Incorrigible Guild has put together a high-end raid alliance that focuses on fairness in loot and the fun of the game. So with that foundation laid Wolfy, Balt, Laila, and Allyn all went to the MC over the weekend. This is a screen of Wolfy in pre-run trim.

First epic to drop was the tier 2 hunter specific Giantstalker Belt. Wolfy had a 100 DKP to spend, and went all in. Another hunter went all in at 100 as well, and with Wolfy being the same rank it turned into a roll off. We tied on the roll... tie breaking roll went to Wolf! YES! it turned out, this would be the only epic to drop on this run as we wiped 3 times at Luci...

A couple things of note though: It was a blast, it was fair, and I will definately do it again (the run that is). Also my old belt was not to shabby for a blue, a quick look at comparable stats from photo to photo shows how decent the blue actually is...

Happy adventuring!

1 comment:

Ed Adams said...

"Pretty decent"? "A quick look at comparable stats ... shows how decent the blue actually is"? Without knocking your blue, you gained:

35 armor (17.3%)
+4 Agi
+10 Stam (!!!)
+4 Spi
+7 Fire Resist
AND it's a set piece for potential bonuses down the road.

I would say that you're trying to compare apples and hand grenades! The New Belt kicks the old belt's ass and eats his pudding cup for dessert!